Nocturne is the third installment in the Shin Megami Tensei series of role playing games. Throughout its life on the PlayStation 2, Nocturne saw a total of three different releases in Japan; Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (Initial release), Nocturne Maniax (Adds additional content, including Dante from Devil May Cry) and lastly Nocturne Maniax - Chronicle Edition (Same as Maniax only it replaces Dante with Raidou and Gouto from the Devil Summoner games). Despite the above releases, the rest of the world only received the Maniax version of the game, titled Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne in the USA and Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer’s Call in Europe. Translation Description. This translates the Chronicles Edition of Shin Megami Tensei III into English. The translation is 100% complete, and at present there are no known issues with the patch. Future updates will offer any bugfixing necessary should issues crop up, as well as the possibility of adding new content in optional addendum patches.

  1. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Review
  2. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Ps4
  3. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Maniax Chronicle Edition Download

Current Features:. The Chronicles Edition text has been 100% translated!. Chronicles difficulty and exclusive extras are all present!. A 25th Anniversary logo has been added as a splash screen on boot. The translation team has been added to the end of the credits sequence.


The NA Nocturne script is used for all non-Chronicle related content, except when noted otherwise. The Following changes have been made to the NA Nocturne script:. All skill descriptions have been rewritten. All consumable item descriptions have been rewritten. All resistance descriptions have been rewritten. The skills “Xeros Beat” and “Javalian Rain” have had their names correctly switched. The “Void” line of passives have been renamed to “Null”.

An English fan translation of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Maniax Chronicle Edition has finally been released! This is the one with Raidou Kuzunoha from Devil Summoner instead of Dante. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne is a continuation of the popular role-playing series, set in our modern world. It's an average day, as a typical Japanese high school student goes to the hospital, for a visit with his sick teacher.

The “Expel” element has been renamed to “Light”, “Expel” is now the status effect of “Hama”. The “Death” element has been renamed to “Dark”, “Death” is now the status effect of “Mudo”. The sub-menu “SP Items” has been renamed to “Key Items”. The Demon “Aciel” has been renamed to “Alciel”. The Demon “Feng Huang” has been renamed to “Suzaku”.

The Demon “Gui Xian” has been renamed to “Genbu”. The Demon “Long” has been renamed to “Seiryu”.

The Demon “Rakshasa” has been renamed to “Vetala”. The Demon “The Harlot” has been renamed to “Mother Harlot”. All references to “Candelabra”'Candelabrum” have been changed to “Menorah”. Baphomet now recites the same incantation as the Japanese version when summoning Mara.

A single typo of “Programmer” in the ending credits has been corrected. Note: The file too large to archive (about 1.4GB). ROM / ISO Information.

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Review

So having beaten KA and P4 a while back, in a moment of weakness boredom curiosity I popped the other game I got with that set this winter into my JPS2: Nocturne Maniax: Chronicle Edition. I hadn't really intended to ever since I discovered that Raidou was really the only change, and that furthermore there weren't even any new scenes for him - they're all the same ones you get with Dante, and they play out the same way. Same music, same attack patterns, same difficulty. I watched the videos of said scenes on Nico Nico and figured that was that, but. I have to confess, there is something undeniably awesome about running into Raidou in my favourite megaten game. That, and Gouto is insufferably adorable.

And it's been a while since I've played that game, which was worth a second play in and of itself, Raidou or no Raidou. That said, in a VERY PREDICTABLE MANNER the first thing I thought to do was script and translate the few differences between the games. Not just the scenes available on Nico Nico, but other things, like what were mentions of Dante and are now obviously mentions of Raidou. I'll translate Raidou's moves when I get him in my party, too. As always, feel free to comment on my translations.

Doesn't matter if you speak moonspeak or not. (A good translation shouldn't read like a translation and anyone can tell that.) Raidou Mention 1 - The 'young man' in East Shinjuku (You remember this one, right? Pre-Conception, the girl who first notices Dante has become a man who notices Raidou. No comment on that particular change.) さっき、黒服の学生をみたよ。 I just saw a schoolkid all dressed up in black.

これまた黒い猫と連れたっていた、美少年なんだ。 He had a black cat with him too - a real pretty boy. あのレトロチックな風情、帽子と羽織ったマント、どこかで見たような・・・? That retro-chic look - the hat and the cape - haven't I seen that somewhere before.? (So this, combined with the mentions of the Kuzunoha in P4, I take to mean that the Agency has become somehow known in the SMT worlds in general. Chie thinks they're from old films.? Thoughts on this, anyone?) Raidou Cutscene 1 - Outside the Hospital (This would be the first Dante scene, in which he ponders aloud whence the Geisha and sushi. Enter schoolboy and kitty, cape blowing dramatically in the Deus Ex Wind.) ここがボルテクス界、か。。。 So this here's the Vortex World, huh. どこか帝都に似た雰囲気を感じるが。。。 Got some of the same feel to it as the Capital, but.

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Ps4

ふん、あの老人 。。。厄介な依頼をもってきたものだな。 Sheesh, that old man. Sure put us on one helluva' case. さてライドウどうする? ここで人修羅に接触を試みるか、それとも。。。。。。 Well what'll we do, Raidou? Try and make contact with this Hitoshura here,. 【ライドウは静かに目を促した」.Raidou responds with a quiet look. 。。。そうだな、お前の言うとおり、 少し泳がせてみるとするか。.Right, as you say, kid.

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Maniax Chronicle Edition Download

Let's let him run free for a bit and see how he makes out. (Hah, you can recognize ball-shaped post-Great Kanto Earthquake/filling in of the Tokyo Bay area Tokyo, eh Gouto? Going to have to assume they made it to the hospital before the Conception if that man from before really did see them around, as Raidou's human, and couldn't survive it otherwise. Unless Devil Summoners get special dispensation and Kyouji and Rei are off barbecuing with the Manikins.

And no, Raidou doesn't ever talk;p).