With a full range of Weather Stations, Forecasters, Thermometers, Rain Gauges, UV Sensors Wind Vanes and Barometers from ranging from £20 - £400 Oregon Scientific has everything for the casual observer to the serious weather enthusiast. In a wide variety of style and designs we have weather products to appeal to all users and homes.

WxLogger (Oregon Scientific Professional Weather Station Logger)See the to obtain thisprogramDescriptionThis program is intended for logging the data transmitted by an OregonScientific Professional Weather Station (model WMR180). The data is sentover a USB link to a computer (desktop or embedded). The nameWxLogger derives from the common abbreviation WX for'weather conditions'.Oregon Scientific supply the Virtual Weather Station program.Several other programs are also available such asand.So why create yet another weather station program?

I wished to use Java sothat WxLogger could run on a large variety of systems. Ineeded only simple data logging, without more advanced features such asgraphical display or uploading data to a remote site. I also wanted tocreate an open-source program that could be readily customised by others.The weather station USB interface is treated as a HID (Human InterfaceDevice). WxLogger relies on JNI (Java Native Interface) codeprovided by the project.WxLogger has been run on Linux (ARM, 32-bit) and MS Windows(XP/7, 32/64-bit), but should run on a number of other systems (Linux Intel32/64-bit, MacOS Intel 32/64-bit). I am currently runningWxLogger on a.Options for running the code include and.The code is based on the discoveries by others of the weather stationprotocol. See the for thedetails.

Although that work mostly concerns the WMR100, it appears to berelevant to the WMR180 (and probably also the WMR88). WxLoggerwill probably therefore work for all of these weather stations, though notthe WMR200.The program is designed only for logging - not real-time display or dataupload. The author has created and to display historical data using an applet.Command-line scripts also allow data to be extracted in various ways.The program tries to cope with some unusual situations that can arise. It ispossible, for example, to receive two messages for the same hour if theradio clock corrects the time. On changing to or from daylight saving time,the clock will go forward or back. This results in a missing hour of data ora double hour of data respectively.

The program logs the cumulative rainfalleach day. Since this relies on the cumulative rainfall since the weatherstation rainfall memory was cleared, it is necessary to handle a clear whilethe program is running.The outdoor temperature/humidity sensor is normally the main one (channel1). However, this data can instead be logged from an additional outdoorsensor (channel 2, etc.).CustomisationIf you can live with the program defaults, you just need a JVM (Java VirtualMachine). If you wish to change the defaults or to alter the code, you alsoneed a JDK (Java Development Kit).Customisation is possible by changing the following constants in the code('customisation' section):ARCHIVEPATHdirectory path for archive files (default '/tmp', must not be '.'

, or endwith '/' or '); if empty, no archiving takes place (i.e. Log filesremain in their original place)BACKUPLOGwhen archiving, preserve the current day's log as 'LASTDAY.DAT' (defaulttrue, i.e. Do backup); the last day's log file will be replaced if itexistsDEGREEdegree symbol (default Unicode degree); this may need to be set to emptyif the console does not support UnicodeLOGDEFAULTdefault flags for log output as logical OR of individual log flags(default hourly data, for 0 nothing, 1 USB data, 2 frame data, 4 sensordata, 8 hourly data)LOGFILEname of a log file to use, or empty to mean output to the console (defaultempty)LOGINTERVALthe number of minutes between log entries (default 15, i.e. 00/15/30/45minutes past the hour); the value must be a submultiple of 60 (e.g. 10,15, 20, 30)OUTDOORSENSORoutdoor temperature sensor to log (default 1)Error messages and the following hourly summaries can appear in the logoutput.

Hourly figures are averages for the past hour, except for rainfallwhich is cumulative. Indoor or outdoor sensor data is followed by '?' Ifthere is missing data for the corresponding sensor. Outdoor sensor data isfollowed by '!' If the corresponding sensor battery is low.HH:MM timeNN.N wind speedNNN wind directionNN.N outdoor temperatureNN outdoor humidityNNNN outdoor pressureNN.N outdoor rainfall total since midnightNN outdoor UV indexInstallationAs a convenience, interface code is included from project.The WxLogger.java code is provided in source form. This has beenpre-compiled for Java 6 along with the Java HID code into the JARwxlogger.jar.

This is supported by the hidapi nativelibrary. Find the appropriate library file under the resdirectory and install it.

Oregon Scientific Weather Station Problems

On Windows, for example, this requires creatinghidapi.dll under Windowssystem32. On Linux, forexample, this requires creating libhidapi.so under/usr/lib. Note that WxLogger.java refers to thelibrary as hidapi so any suffix like '-jni-32' must be omittedin the installation name.UsageRun WxLogger.java as follows:java -cp lib/wxlogger.jar uk.ac.stir.cs.wx.WxLoggerThe program can be run interactively from a console. It can also be run as abackground service (Windows) or startup program (Unix).A file for each day is created in the current directory with the name'YYYYMMDD.DAT' (e.g. It contains the following fieldsseparated by one or more spaces.

Oregon Scientific Weather Station Troublesh…

Oregon scientific weather station manual

Since 2001 I've been creating software for the Macintosh that I wanted to use. Then I decided to see if anyone else wanted to use it. Much to my surprise they did and AfterTen Software was born.WeatherMan was that first product it displayed weather information from the in a format that I wanted plus it fed my home automation system with weather data using AppleScript. CIDTracker was next since I wanted my home's Caller ID information recorded and sent to me in an email so I knew when I missed called at home. When the weather and hourly updates from the wasn't fast enough for me I branched out into personal weather stations and WeatherTracker was born.