March 6, 2012. Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360.: March 6, 2012.: March 8, 2012.: March 9, 2012 Wii U.: November 18, 2012.: November 30, 2012, Mode(s), Mass Effect 3 is an developed by and published by for, and. Officially announced on December 11, 2010, the game was released March 6, 2012 and marks the final chapter in the original, completing the story of. A version was announced during Nintendo's conference. The Wii U port was developed by Australian developer, and was released as a Wii U launch game under the title Mass Effect 3: Special Edition.

  1. Mass Effect 3 Missions
  2. Mass Effect Andromeda

The Genesis and Genesis 2 DLC are designed to give players the chance to make choices made in Mass Effect 1 and 2 without the need to play either game. So by definition the Genesis 2 DLC will not run if you import a save from either Mass Effect 1 or 2.


The combat system in Mass Effect 3 was changed and refined from previous titles. In particular, the cover system was improved, additional options for traversing the battlefield and scoring instant melee kills were added, more conventional grenades are available, and improved was introduced.

A four player mode is also available. Gameplay in Mass Effect 3 is influenced by decisions made in and, for players who have completed those games. Like its predecessors, Mass Effect 3 was released to commercial success and critical acclaim. However, the game's endings were criticized by many players and critics, prompting the release of a free DLC (downloadable content) which elaborated on the consequences of the ending chosen and the choices made by the player throughout the series, as well as clearing up elements of the story.

It was nominated for five awards at the 2012 and it won Best RPG of 2012. A new installment in the series, was released on March 21, 2017. Contents. Gameplay Character creation Mass Effect 3 is an in which the player takes control of from a. Shepard's gender, appearance, military background, combat training, and first name are determined by the player before the game begins. If the player has a completed from, the character from that game can be imported. By importing an old character, decisions from prior Mass Effect titles are carried over, which impacts plot events in Mass Effect 3.

If no saved games are available, the player can use an comic to quickly customize these decisions on the spot. Upon beating the game, a is unlocked, which allows the player to restart the game with certain bonuses, such as the ability to further upgrade weapons. In Mass Effect 3, the first three levels of a skill are singular whereas the final three levels require the player to select from one of two options. Similar to previous installments in the Mass Effect series, the player is able to choose from six different that each have their own unique set of skills. For example, the Adept class is proficient in biotic powers whereas the Soldier class is proficient in weapons. By completing assignments and, the player is rewarded with. Once enough points have been earned, Commander Shepard levels up, which allows for the unlocking or upgrading of skills along a.

Mass effect 3 pc

Quests and role-playing There are three pre-set modes in Mass Effect 3: Action, Story, and RPG. In Action Mode, conversations have automatic replies and normal combat difficulty; in Story Mode, conversations have manual replies and minimal combat difficulty; and in RPG mode, conversations have manual replies and normal combat difficulty. Overall, elements in Mass Effect 3 are more intricate than those in Mass Effect 2. For example, the game offers more flexibility around weapon customization.

Players can equip guns with different ammo types, barrels, modifications, and scopes to improve their effectiveness in combat. If the player has, customization choices can be made verbally instead of selected using a controller. The player's primary mode of transportation in Mass Effect 3 is a star ship called Normandy SR2. From the inside of the ship, the player can use a to choose a destination point, scan planets for resources, or start missions. To aid the player in managing tasks, the game automatically logs available missions in a journal; however, unlike previous titles in the series, the journal does not distinguish between main quests or side quests. In general, the game revolves around increasing 'Effective Military Strength' (EMS) to prepare for its final mission, a confrontation with the Reapers. EMS is calculated by multiplying 'Total Military Strength' (TMS) and 'Readiness Rating' (RR).

TMS is increased by acquiring 'War Assets', which include accomplishments from all three Mass Effect games, whereas RR is increased by playing Mass Effect 3's multiplayer mode. Dialog and morality Unless the game is set to Action Mode, the player interacts with in Mass Effect 3 by using a where dialog options depend on wheel direction. Most conversations are advanced by choosing either a Paragon (diplomatic) or Renegade (intimidating) option, which appear to the top and bottom right of the wheel, respectively. By conversing with squadmates aboard the Normandy, Commander Shepard can develop friendships or, in some cases, romantic relationships with them over time. Same-sex relationships for both female and male Commander Shepards are available.

If Commander Shepard was imported from Mass Effect 2 and achieved a love interest in each of the prior Mass Effect games, then both characters vie for Shepard's attention in Mass Effect 3. During some conversations, the player is prompted with a interrupt option that offers a temporary alternative to what is available on the dialog wheel. On several occasions, the player must make large-scale decisions that significantly impact the game's narrative. For example, one mission asks the player to side with one of two species; whichever is ignored is eradicated. Over the course Mass Effect 3, dialog and narrative decisions result in 'Reputation Points', which are added together and unlock further decision-making and dialog options as they accumulate.

At the conclusion of the game, the player is given a series of choices regarding how to best defeat the Reapers; the number of choices, the state of the Earth, the state of the Normandy, and the fate of Commander Shepard depends on accomplishments earned and decisions made throughout the series. Combat Combat in Mass Effect 3 is changed and refined from Mass Effect 2, with further emphasis put on aspects to make the game more commercially viable. In a preview of the game for, editor Arthur Gies went so far as to say the game 'plays like a shooter' and that 'combat-wise, Mass Effect 3 is in an entirely different space from the first two games'. In an article for, Joe Martin gave a conflicting impression, noting that with regard to combat, 'not a lot has changed'. The series' cover system has been improved so players no longer need to slide into cover and then hop over objects. Players have more options for moving around the battlefield than ever before, including a refined sprint capability, combat rolling, and the use of climbable ladders.

Players can also blindfire their weapons from covered positions, and have opportunities to shoot selected armor pieces and limbs off enemies. For users, verbal orders can be issued to move squad mates and use their powers. Moving and shooting, a 'suicidal maneuver' in Mass Effect 2, is now a viable option because of a revised melee system.

Players are able to execute formidable punches and attacks, and instant melee kills are introduced specific to each class; for example, by holding down the melee button, a soldier Shepard will deliver a killing blow with an omni-blade. Conventional grenades are also available. Mass Effect 3 was planned as the most difficult in the series, with increased artificial intelligence to challenge players and increase the sense of reward. Enemies no longer act as individuals as they did in the previous games, instead fighting and supporting each other in units. Enemies include 15-foot (4.6 m) tall Cerberus mechs, assault troopers, and ninja-style shock troops, as well as Reaperized husks of all races and Reaper ships ranging from 500 to 2,000 metres (1,600 to 6,600 ft) long. Some changes were made to already-existing class types; for example, Engineers are now able to build turrets. Multiplayer Mass Effect 3 offers a multiplayer co-op mode called 'Galaxy at War', the first such mode of the series.

In the mode, players are able to play alongside up to three other players online in unique missions that can impact the outcome of the single player campaign. Each mission was designed specifically for multiplayer, and involves taking over enemy strongholds. By completing these missions, players can give themselves a better chance of attaining a perfect ending in the single player campaign; although, they are not necessary to do so.

Over the course of one year, BioWare released five free DLC packs for the multiplayer mode that added several types of new content. The mode has been compared to 's horde mode. Players have the ability to fight against 4 different opponents: the Reapers, Geth, Cerberus, and with the Retaliation DLC installed the Collectors. Battles take place over a choice of more than 15 maps, with 4 choices of difficulty, Bronze (Easy), Silver (Normal), Gold (Hard), and—with the Earth DLC installed—Platinum (Very Hard). Platinum maps will randomly spawn tank units from random races in addition to the key race being fought against; an example might be Reaper Ravagers fighting alongside Cerberus Troopers or a Geth Prime assisting Reaper Banshees; a Cerberus Atlas fighting with Scions. Each map lasts for 10 rounds, with players defending against, each getting progressively harder. Certain waves will have the team performing certain goals, such as defusing doctrine devices, enabling/disabling or communications outlets, hacking computers, killing key targets, escorting probes, or transporting critical hardware (such as hard drives, lethal chemicals or warheads).

No characters from the single-player campaign are featured in the multiplayer mode; instead, players create brand new characters for themselves and can play as members of non-human species, including asari, batarians, drell, krogans, quarians, salarians, turians, geth, vorcha, volus, and more. Every race has unique powers, such as a 'Krogan Charge' for krogans and different movement options out of cover between drell and humans. All classes are playable.

The maximum level that created characters are able to reach is 20, and just like in the single player mode, leveling up includes skill branches. Gameplay in the multiplayer mode only allows for players to carry two guns at a time in their inventory, and there is no menu to change weapons; instead, weapons are changed by holding down a button. Only three powers per class are also available as opposed to those available during the single player game. Characters, equipment, mods, and weapons are acquired randomly with the purchase of graded kits. The kits are purchased with multiplayer in-game credits or real-life currency.

One year after the game's release, BioWare discontinued any further multiplayer challenges, while leaving the challenge system functional and servers up. Synopsis Setting and characters.

See also: Mass Effect 3 's music is composed by -nominated composer, together with Christopher Lennertz, Cris Velasco, -nominated composer Sam Hulick and Sasha Dikicyan. Mansell first stated he would be scoring the game during an interview with on February 9, 2011. Electronic Arts officially announced his involvement shortly thereafter with a post. Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 composer had no involvement with the production of Mass Effect 3 due to undetailed and 'complicated' reasons. Is again voiced by (male) and (female).

Many other members of the cast return, including: , , , Liz Sroka , , Steve Barr , , , (Jeff 'Joker' Moreau), (The ), (Admiral Hackett) and (Admiral David Anderson). New voice actors include (Diana Allers), (James Vega), (Councilor Irissa) and (The Stargazer). Mass Effect 3 's weapon audio is redesigned and refined. BioWare's audio team was in discussion with other EA studios, including DICE, to improve their combat soundscape. The game has 40,000 lines of recorded dialog, twice as much as the first game and almost twice as much as the second game.

The game has 12,500 sound and music files. Marketing To promote Mass Effect 3, BioWare relied heavily on.

Using an internal channel called BioWare Pulse, weekly videos were posted on the company's official website and YouTube offering fans a preview of upcoming content. To keep in touch with fans during development, websites such as Twitter were utilized by members of the game's production team including Casey Hudson and Mac Walters.

On December 12, 2011, staff writer Patrick Weekes posted a blog as Commander Shepard writing from the Normandy and elaborating on some minor plot points. Official badges, 2D and 3D posters, stickers and temporary tattoos for the game will be produced by GB Eye and stocked by retailers such as Chips and. A demo for the game was released on February 14, 2012. Early access to the demo was granted to consumers who purchased and activated their online pass.

Mass Effect 3 was released in multiple editions. Alongside the regular edition, there was also a collector's edition and a digital deluxe edition, each of which included bonus content and unlockable items; most notably, four exclusive weapons found in the N7 Arsenal Pack. The digital deluxe edition is exclusively available through, EA's rebranded PC game store. All pre-orders of the game were accompanied with the M55 Argus Assault Rifle bonus weapon, with retailer-specific bonuses available as well.

Anyone who pre-orders the game from will receive N7 warfare gear and anyone who pre-orders the game from Origin will receive an AT12 Raider Shotgun. As a part of a crossover promotion, players can also unlock two bonus items — the Reckoner Knight Armor and Chakram Launcher — by playing through the demo for. To alleviate sales lost to the second-hand market and rentals, only unused copies of Mass Effect 3 will come with an online pass allowing players full access to the online multiplayer mode. Once the pass is activated, it cannot be used again; therefore, players who buy the game used are required to pay an additional fee in order to use multiplayer. Unlike the first two games in the series, BioWare specifically included the female version of Commander Shepard in marketing Mass Effect 3.

Often referred to colloquially as 'FemShep', she was featured in her own dedicated trailer for the game, as well as a revised version of the 'Take Back Earth' trailer. She also appeared on the cover of the Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition. In addition, the standard version of the game featured a reversible slipcase insert, allowing the purchaser to display either the male or female version of Shepard on the front and back cover artwork.

To help decide the official female Shepard model, BioWare let fans choose between five prototypes on Facebook. Eventually, the fifth prototype won and a new fan vote was held to decide its hair color, which ended up being red. In February 2012, EA sent early copies of Mass Effect 3 into space via.

The games were equipped with a tracking device, allowing fans to track their progress. When the balloons landed, anyone who found one was able to snag a copy of Mass Effect 3 a week or more ahead of its release. Release and downloadable content. See also: Before Mass Effect 3 's release date was delayed to 2012, numerous gaming websites called the game one of the most anticipated games of 2011, with IGN ranking it number one in their 'Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2011' column.

Mass Effect 3 Missions

Following the 2011 E3 Convention, IGN nominated the game for Best Role-Playing Game and Most Anticipated Game, and called it the most promising retail title of 2011. At the 2011 Spike Video Game Awards, the game was voted the most anticipated of 2012 by fans. In an interview with Computer and Videogames, BioWare marketing director David Silverman went so far as to call Mass Effect 3 the 'best game we've ever made'.

The game was released for, and on March 6, 2012, and for on November 18, 2012. Customers purchasing PC editions of the game (retail or digital) are required to install Electronic Arts' and system,. The Origin client (and an Origin account) is required to install, activate and run Mass Effect 3 on a PC for single and multi-player portions of the game. This is the only title in the series unavailable for the platform. In November 2016, Mass Effect 3 was added to the on. Mass Effect 3 also supports a variety of packs that were released from March 2012 to April 2013. The Wii U version – Mass Effect 3: Special Edition – features all the free DLC in-game that were released prior to Special Edition 's release.

However, EA announced that there are no plans to release any of the paid DLC packs for the Wii U version, including 'Omega', 'Leviathan', and the various weapon packs. When asked on Twitter if they would release any future DLC for the Wii U version, their response was, 'Never say never.:)' Reception Critical response Reception Aggregate scores Aggregator Score (X360) 92.17% (PS3) 91.65% (PC) 87.75% (WIIU) 86.22% (X360) 93/100 (PS3) 93/100 (PC) 89/100 (WIIU) 85/100 Review scores Publication Score A 8/10 10/10 5/5 10/10 9.0/10 9.5/10 9.5/10 10/10 93/100 Mass Effect 3 was met with critical acclaim by video game critics. Andrew Reiner of awarded it 10 out of 10 and asserted that 'BioWare has delivered one of the most intricately crafted stories in the history of the medium'. Thierry Nguyen of rated the game 'A' and concluded, 'While Mass Effect 3 stumbles at times, the fact that it's the ultimate culmination of my own Shepard's story makes it one of the signature (and somewhat-literal) role-playing-games of this year.' Rated the game 8/10 saying 'It's off-putting to new players, too busy tying up loose ends to dangle any threads of its own, and fails to stand up as its own game in the same manner as its predecessors. But it's also a spectacular, powerfully imagined and dramatically involving final act to one of gaming's richest sci-fi sagas.' Tom Francis of gave the game a score of 93/100 and ended with saying '.the end of the series is a mixed bag.

Satisfying in some ways, nonsensical in others, and ultimately too simple. But the sheer scale of the adventure it's ending – and the music, which is gorgeous throughout – gives it an emotional impact that goes beyond its plot payload.'

Mass Effect 3 was nominated for five awards in the 2012, including Game of the Year, and it won one, Best RPG. Game Informer awarded it their game of the year award. Controversy The game's ending was poorly received by many fans, and the negative PC fan reviews in Metacritic exceed the mixed and positive reviews. Criticisms included that the single palette swap ending rendered character choices inconsequential; a general lack of closure; lore contradictions and plot holes; character and narrative inconsistencies; the absence of a final boss battle; and inconsistencies between statements by BioWare staff during the game's development and the form the endings ultimately took. Displeased fans organized an internet campaign called 'Retake Mass Effect' to demand a better ending to the game, part of which includes a charity drive for the organization.

The drive officially raised $80,000 in less than two weeks. One fan went so far as taking his complaint to the, the agency created to protect consumers. His argument was that BioWare did not deliver on the promise of its game, saying, 'after reading through the list of promises about the ending of the game they made in their advertising campaign and PR interviews, it was clear that the product we got did not live up to any of those claims.' However, with the release of the extended cut, he is now happy with the end product.

One of the writers of the Mass Effect series, Patrick Weekes, posted a message on gaming website, citing among other criticisms that the ending section lacked the same peer review process used with the rest of the game. The US also responded to the controversy, supporting claims by fans that BioWare falsely advertised the player's 'complete' control over the game's final outcome. The UK's Advertising Standards Authority disagreed, ruling that EA and BioWare were not guilty of false advertisement since the endings were 'thematically quite different', and the choices and readiness rating reflected in the ending content were significant enough to avoid misleading of consumers under existing law.

BioWare's co-founder and CEO acknowledged feedback over the endings stating that the company planned to address them, with an announcement to be made in April 2012. On April 5, 2012, BioWare announced they would offer a free download to be released during the summer, which would expand the ending with a cinematic epilogue but not replace it. The Extended Cut was released on June 26, 2012 for Xbox 360 and PC worldwide, and PlayStation 3 in North America and later released on July 4, 2012 for PS3 in Europe. Sales During March 2012, Mass Effect 3 sold over 3.5 million copies. According to EA's Q4 results, Mass Effect 3 has grossed over $200 million. The game had sold over 6 million copies by January 2017.

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